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Saturday, March 28, 2009
This entry is about something that has got me pondering...

I'm sure you will agree when I say that we youngsters have unique perceptions of things. People who are older and more mature never fail to remind us of how important time is. And our response?

Oh yes, let us assure you that we understand the importance of time, alright. In fact, we youngsters are more mature than you think - you'll be surprised by how grown-up we actually are!

No kidding...


Scenario One

Guy rushing into his house, "Dad! Can I have the car this evening? I promised Magdalene I would pick her up at - "

Guy's mother, "Son, your dad just left for golf in the car about an hour ago."

Guy, "What!? But mum, I really
need the car! Magdalene's finally promised to come with me and I'm bringing her to Syphonc's! How am I supposed to get there without a car!?"

One hour...

Scenario Two

Sales lady, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm afraid that we've already sold that dress to another customer yesterday. However, we do have this other design that's really - "

Disappointed customer, "That's okay, forget it. I only wanted that particular one."

Walks out of the shop, thinking, "If only I'd came here yesterday instead of going to that stupid karaoke lounge! Where am I going to find another dress like that one? David kept emphasizing on how great it would look if..."

One day...

Scenario Three

Exasperated student pleading with teacher, "Ma'am! You told me that Fiona and I had similar results! Why was
her project the one that was chosen? I spent sleepless nights working on it to make sure that - "

Teacher, "Jocelyn, I am
not the one who selected Fiona's project. In fact, I have no say over this. The both of you did equally well, but it just so happened that Fiona submitted hers a week earlier than yours, and the principal..."

One week...

Scenario Four

Janice, "Come on already! How long are you going to rehearse this? You just have to stay cool, walk up to him and ask!"

Dawn, "For goodness' sake, Janice! You have no idea how I'm feeling now! This is the opportunity of a lifetime and I want to make sure that I get him to say yes!"

Janice, "It's been two hours, sista. A guy like James won't stay dateless for long. And you'd better hurry up before his friends come back to join him."

Dawn takes a deep breath, "Okay, okay. I'm ready. I'm cool, I'm natural. Here goes nothing."

Janice watches anxiously as Dawn disappears around the corner towards James, only to see her running past with tear-streaked eyes to the ladies a moment later. Janice didn't have to wonder for long - James strolled past her soon enough, holding hands and giggling with their schoolmate Charlene.

Ten minutes...

Scenario Five

Toggy, "Ron! Where on this forsaken beach have you been!?"

Ron, "Chill, Tog, the washroom isn't exactly nearby, you know."

Toggy, "And half an hour isn't exactly a short time, either! You took a ridiculously long time!"

Ron, "What's your problem, Tog? Why are you reprimanding me for taking my own sweet time to the loo? You're not my - "

Toggy, "Oh, I'm sorry. There's no problem at all, really. It's just that Zack has every so smoothly roped your little eye-candy
Tasha into his team, the game has already commenced, and the two of them are having the time of their lives together now. All these in just that very short span of half-an-hour. Forgive me, Ron, I had no idea why I saw that as a problem."

Toggy witnessed an unchallenged flow of vulgarities coming from Ron after that.

Half an hour...

The above scenarios...more than familiar to many of us, aren't they? It's happened either to our friends or to ourselves. However, there are instances where time can determine things that are far more critical in life. The importance of time just cannot be over-emphasized...

To Realize The Value Of ONE YEAR
Ask A Student Who Has Failed His Exam

To Realize The Value Of
Ask An Editor Of A Weekly Newspaper

To Realize The Value Of
Ask A Daily Wage Labourer Who Has Ten Kids To Feed

To Realize The Value Of
Ask The Lovers Who Are Waiting To Meet

To Realize The Value Of
Ask A Person Who Has Missed The Train

To Realize The Value Of
Ask A Person Who Has Survived An Accident

To Realize The Value Of
Ask A Person Who Has Won A Silver Medal At The Olympics

Value every moment that we have. Time is a coin that we can spend only once. Use it, invest it, make it count. Remember...time waits for no man. What have you been doing with your life?

* * * * *

Friday, February 20, 2009
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to make the choice between doing what's right and what's easy?

Honestly, how many people would choose to do the right thing instead of taking the easy way out? We know the answer in our hearts, and I guess that's because sometimes, doing the right thing will mean being pushed to limits beyond what people can ever expect.

My life has been quite violently shaken for the past weeks, and some of my dear friends out there know what I've been going through. I am truly grateful for those of you who have given me the level of understanding and support beyond what I expected.

I have been living in two different worlds. The first is this beautiful place which we all live in now, while the other... I do not wish to state its true name, but I shall call it a world of double edge.

A brief description of this double edge world - a place where I have gained great experience, and learned lessons of outstanding value. A place where I did so many things which I never thought I would ever do in my life, things which I initially thought were not possible. And on the other hand, a place which I have also been inflicted with pain which I dare say I have never felt before.

In this double-edge world, everything is different. In there, circumstances are such that I am unable to be my true self.

Just yesterday, one of my beloved friends was asking another,"Who is Yang Heng?"

Don't get the wrong idea of this friend of mine. She is one sweet girl and only meant it as a joke describing how long we hadn't met each other. But you know what? As I was about to give her an answer to that question, I realized that I, unlike before, did not have one.


So many books and movies have this major question included in them, and I have finally found my answer.

Whenever I set foot into my house after yet another week of journeying in the world of double edge, I am instantly overwhelmed by sheer bliss. Nothing can feel more right. The joy of being in the presence of the people you love most - seriously, what more could one ask for?

Yesterday, I finally met up with some of my dear friends who I used to go out with very frequently, but have not seen since I entered the world of double edge. You know what was amazing? I expected myself to begin rambling to them upon seeing them, considering the endless number of things I wanted to tell them. When we finally met each other, however, I didn't feel like talking so much anymore. Instead, I somehow felt as though we were back in those times when we still met up often. Even though we hadn't met for a long time, I still knew they were the same good old buddies I used to have. Things didn't feel as different as I expected - the familiar feeling of being with them came rushing back to me at once. They probably thought that it was strange that I wasn't talking much. What they didn't know was this - I was very happy just being there with them. It mattered not what we were doing or eating. It mattered not how much or how little we were speaking. I was just grateful that I was with them - and that was all that mattered to me then.

Naturally, they wanted me to tell them details of what was going on in my life in the world of double edge over the past weeks. And tell them I did, though I only touched on the very surface of what I really went through. I would never be able to tell them in words what it's really like in the world of double edge. How I wish I could swap bodies with my friends for a while to let them feel what it's really like. But like I said, I was contented enough just being with them, so letting them have a rough idea of what the world of double edge is like sufficed for me.

By the way, we met up at the mall Causeway Point, and there were a few popular Taiwanese artistes giving a performance which, needless to say, attracted a large crowd. My friends were intrigued and were watching the artistes for quite a while. But guess what. As they were watching the Taiwanese, I doubt they were aware that I was watching them. The reason is simple - my friends hold far more meaning to me. Come on, watching artistes entertaining a crowded mall when I can indulge in the beautiful sight of my friends instead? You gotta be kidding me.

How I wish I had more time. In just a blink of an eye, it was time to part with them again. I do not know when I will be able to spare time to see them again - I have to spend a huge amount of time with my family. So many loved ones, so little time. I choose not to perceive this as cruel, I choose to learn something from this.

I am thankful that my life is swarmed with beautiful people. To the rest of my friends, rest assured that I will not forget you and all that you have done for me in difficult times. I want to tell you all something: I chose the path of the world of double edge not because I want to be some hero who always chooses to do the right thing. Neither did I choose it for fame, reputation, or pride. I chose to take this path in hope of becoming a better person, and to understand more about this thing called hardship.

* * * * *

Monday, January 12, 2009
Hello Cheezers, a miracle has happened - I created a blog. So many of my friends are doing it anyway, so I've decided to quit being the rose among the thorns =D

Considering that I am now serving national service, meetings with my dear friends will be minimal. That's something I am still trying so hard to adjust to. I won't be able to write many posts yet, but I'm hoping that this blog will provide yet another link between my friends and I.

PS: I want to make this known - this blog has inherited my open-mindedness.


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